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  • Capital: Kuala Lumpur
  • Currency: Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)
  • International airport: Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA)


Malaysia is a federal constitutional monarchy located in Southeast Asia. It consists of thirteen states and three federal territories and has a total landmass of 330,803 square kilometres (127,720 sq mi) separated by the South China Sea into two similarly sized regions, Peninsular Malaysia andEast Malaysia (Malaysian Borneo).


Malaysia offers two very distinct experiences: the peninsula and Borneo (an island shared with Indonesia and Brunei). The peninsula is a mix of Malay, Chinese and Indian flavors with an efficient and modern capital, Kuala Lumpur. Malaysian Borneo features some of the most interesting places in Malaysia with a wild jungle, orangutans, granite peaks and remote tribes. Combined with some beautiful islands, luxury resorts and colonials towns, Malaysia, for most visitors, presents a happy mix.


Malaysia is one of the most beautiful and fascinating tourism destinations ofSouth East Asia. Malaysia is a multi-ethnic, multicultural and multilingual society. Its cultural diversity and the amazing contrast of colour, amazing tourism destinations,hi-tech life and the welcoming people truly makes Malaysia the perfect holidaying destinations. Malaysia is really like two countries in one, cleaved in half by the South China Sea. The peninsula is a multicultural buffet of Malay, Chinese and Indian flavours while Borneo hosts a wild jungle smorgasbord of orang-utans, granite peaksand remote tribes. Within and throughout these two very different regions are an impressive variety of microcosms ranging from the space-age high-rises of Kuala Lumpurto the smiling longhouse villages of Sarawakand the calm, powdery beaches of the Perhentian Islands. And did we mention the food? Malaysia(particularly along the peninsular west coast) has one of the best assortments ofdelicious cuisines in the world. Malaysia amazing beauty and the huge tourism attractions grabs the attention of tourists from all the nook and corner of the world.Surely holidays in Malaysia are an experience that every individual will love totreasure and cherish forever. There is so many interesting places that you can visit in Malaysia.


Let’s talk about all the amazing things that you can find in the state of Malaysia and its beautiful places. For example the captivating capital city of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpuris one of the most visited tours and travel destination of the country. With thegraceful amalgamation of the colonial building, mosque, temples, churches, sky-scrappers and the well organized gardens, Kuala Lumpur attractions can make anyone awe-struck. It is one of the popular tours and travel destinations, which is mustto visit on Malaysia trip. In Kuala Lumpur, there is one building that is classified asone of the tallest twin towers in the world. Petronas Tower is a popular attraction ofMalaysia. It symbolizes one very important part of Malaysia and that is, the country isdeveloping at an unbelievable pace. The commanding sight of the tower grabs thousands of tourists all the year round to Malaysia. In Malaysia, we have so many interesting state.